5 Multifunctional Furniture for Small Spaces, Suitable for Minimalist House

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Multifunctional furniture for small spaces, Currently much sought after by housewives. Multifunctional furniture can also be used to beautify the room.

Interior design trends are currently the latest trends to become minimalist home decorations. In addition to bringing benefits with its beauty, the interior is used for decorating the living room and so on

From here, multifunctional furniture offers a solution to fulfill this minimalist lifestyle.

Currently, creativity and multifunctional furniture design ideas are getting more and more variants at affordable prices

Limited land and budget are no longer an obstacle to having complete furniture according to your needs, but also comfortable in sight.

If you have the intention of having multifunctional furniture, with ease of use. You can try it first. Because these items are regularly used for various purposes such as

5 multifunctional furniture for small spaces, Suitable for Minimalist House

1. Transformable Chair

multifunctional furniture for small spaces

This type of furniture is widely applied in the form of a sofabed. As the name suggests, this furniture can actually be used as a sofa as well as a bed with only one pull.

Equipped with a backrest that can be tilted and a cushion for extra comfort for its users, the sofabed can be placed in the living room as well as the family room, you know. The price is relative

2. Storage Table

multifunctional furniture for small spaces

If you have a narrow living room, you can choose a table that has closed storage space underneath. The following storage space can be used to place a collectible

This kind of table is generally in the form of a coffee table with an open storage section. However, it is a little smaller and open, of course you can't put just anything in it so it doesn't seem messy

3. Sofa with Storage Rack

This convertible part can be easily adjusted for movie night, naps, relaxing, and other activities.

The adjustable headrest can provide additional comfort that you can adjust. If you want to sleep, a retractable pillow will emerge from below which will later turn into a spacious bed.

The upper side of the back of the chair is added with storage space on the inside. In addition, this sofa is also used as a recliner when you extend its size at one end.

This kind of furniture is suitable for your minimalist home. For other types.

4. Murphy Bed

You can place this sofa and bed in the corner of the family lounge, you know.

It can be pulled out to become a bed, then return it to the beginning as a comfortable sofa. There is also a storage compartment at the bottom, perfect for putting a blanket or pillowcase inside

5. Working Sofa

Having this type of sofa can help you when you have a lot of guests, and you don't have to worry about working.

Set it up as a work desk when you need it, then fold it back up to keep the sofa intact when you want to relax.

This workbench feature can be changed by pulling out on one side of the armrest of the sofa. Thus, an instant work desk is formed that is ready to accompany the busy days of working on reports and assignments

With multifunctional furniture, you can have the items you need without violating the concept of a minimalist home

That's the idea of ​​​​multifunctional furniture that can be embedded to beautify the appearance of your home room
