7 Ways to Make This Wooden Chair

Daftar Isi
Knowing how to make a wooden chair can make you have the furniture you want at a relatively lower cost.

In the house, the chair is one type of furniture that is widely used. This seat generally consists of a number of legs with a backrest and a seat mat. 

One of the popular types is a chair made of wood, although of course there are other materials used, such as plastic, metal or iron and others.

However, wooden chairs have their own fans, not even a few choose this chair to be placed in the main room of the house such as the living room or family room. Because this chair has several advantages.

Here are the advantages of wooden chairs:

Aesthetic and classy

Wooden chairs are often also used as decorative elements because they have aesthetically natural patterns and lines and can be carved to colored and varnished for a beautiful and unique appearance so that they can be the focus of the entire space.

Moreover, wooden chairs can also give a graceful and elegant impression to a room.

Easy maintenance

Another advantage of wooden chairs is that they are easy to maintain because usually you only need to use a rag to clean the dust that sticks to the surface of the chair, as long as you don't let the dirt or dust stick to it for too long

Could be an investment

Usually certain types of wooden chairs have a relatively high price, but you don't need to worry because you can also sell them at a higher price.

Because it can be said that wooden chairs can not only be a decorative element at home, but can also be an investment. 

Wooden chairs like this are usually made by professional craftsmen and you can easily buy them at furniture stores that provide a variety of shapes, colors and prices.

But there are also wooden chairs that you can make yourself. It doesn't have to come from expensive materials, for example, you can use used wood or leftover wood that is sold at low prices. 

Of course it will be interesting, yes, if you want to complete the space at home with furniture that you can make according to your taste at low prices?

With just a little effort and time, you can make a minimalist and simple wooden chair.

Here are some ways to make wooden chairs that you can easily try at home: 

Determine the type of wood and the model of the chair

There are many types of wood that can be used to make chairs. One of the best known quality for the manufacture of furniture is teak wood. 

This type of wood is considered more durable and not easily moldy, with an attractive fiber shape. 

But what is clear, the price is relatively expensive…

That's why, if you're looking for a way to make a minimalist or unique wooden chair, the material is enough to use leftover materials, which if you buy them, the price is certainly much cheaper.

As for the shape, you can first create a concept consisting of size, design and color or the finishing process.

Prepare materials and equipment

After choosing the wood and chair model, the next step is to provide equipment which includes:
  • Two pieces of wood for the front legs and 2 pieces for the back legs, then a few pieces for the seat and back frame, and boards for the seat and backrest.
  • Woodworking tools consisting of nail guns, nail guns, saws, clamp press, shaver machine and others
  • Measuring tools such as ruler or tape measure, pencil or pen
  • Supports such as sandpaper, wood glue, paint and brush
  • Safety equipment, such as protective eyewear and gloves
After everything is available, don't forget to choose the right work area. Where you should try to make a chair in a place that has sufficient lighting.

Measuring and cutting process

Armed with the preparations in points one and two, you can go to the next step in how to make a wooden chair, namely measuring using the measuring tools that have been provided. 

You certainly already have the desired chair model or design. After measuring, it's time to cut the wood materials according to the desired chair model.

Cutting here can use a saw.

Don't forget to also shave the wood so that the surface is smooth using a shaving machine. 

Making chair legs

After everything is prepared, all you have to do is assemble the wood into a chair. 

How to make a minimalist wooden chair here starts with making the legs.

Cut the wood with a thickness of approximately 3 × 6 cm and a length of about 85 cm. In this cut you can use a saw. 

To make the front legs of the chair, you only need to cut the wood in a straight position. 

Before cutting the legs of this chair, you should first calculate the size so that it can fit your needs.

Meanwhile, to make the legs of the back of the chair, the method is slightly different. 

To make the legs of the back of the chair, take a straight piece of wood with a cut of about 5 x 10 cm and then make the end of the wood a little sharp for the placement of the backboard

Don't forget, before connecting these legs, trim the wood first with sandpaper. And to attach the chair to the seat frame, you will need glue and nails. 

Making seat cushions and backs

Before installing the seat cushion, first make the support by forming wood so that it can fill every corner of the seat box. 

Make a pattern, in the corner, then cut the wood needed by adjusting the size of the corner. Then glue it with nails and also apply wood glue.

As for the backrest, you can make two woods of different sizes and then place them on the top of the backrest. 

The joining process can be done like the legs, using nails and wood glue. 

To make it look more attractive, you can actually replace the nails with dowels, which have the same function, namely as a connector or connecting two components.

Making a backrest and seat

And the last is to make a board as a backrest and a seat. 

The materials used can vary, ranging from solid wood, plywood, rattan and many more. The point must be strong enough to support the weight of the body.

In this step the chair frame has been completed, so the dimensions for the base are known. 

In this way, you just cut the material to size and smooth it with sandpaper. After that, attach it using nails and glue.

Finishing process

In order for the bench to be made more attractive and comfortable when occupied, you should sand it again. 

After that, you can apply the elements to beautify the appearance of the chair. 

Such as choosing paint with a favorite color or adjusting to the overall theme of the house. 

Do this process carefully and thoroughly using a brush so that the results are maximum and as desired.

In addition to playing with colorful paints, you can also apply a finishing that has many choices, ranging from rustic, metal color to whitewash. 

Can also play with cushions for the seat. Currently there are many choices of seat cushions that you can buy with various colors and motifs.

Or if you can carve or paint, pour your creativity into the media in the form of this wooden chair.

Even though the chairs made are not as perfect as professional work, but how to make wooden chairs above, you should try to get unique and simple furniture as you wish.

What is important is how you take care of this wooden chair, for example by cleaning it regularly. 

And don't forget how to make wooden chairs, cover the material with wood preservatives that are termite and anti-fungal!

Good luck!
