8 Newest Bedroom Window Models to Be Imitated

Daftar Isi
The bedroom is the most ideal space to rest when tired hits. Therefore, the atmosphere of the room must be comfortable.

One of the factors that influence the comfort of the room, of course, is air circulation and lighting.

So that the bedroom is not dark and stuffy, the presence of ventilation or windows is an important thing to note.

Not only the number, the size and model of the bedroom window must also be appropriate, so that the appearance of the room becomes more leverage.

For inspiration, here are some of the latest bedroom window models that you should know.

8 Newest Bedroom Window Models to Be Imitated

Sliding Window Model

As the name implies, this window can be opened by sliding. 

The shape is simple and suitable for use in a minimalist or modern style bedroom.

The sizes vary, you can adjust to the needs and size of the bedroom.

Arc Window Model

The arc window or awning window is opened by tilting it.

This bedroom window model is suitable for those of you who want air circulation to remain smooth, but are reluctant to get too much wind into the room.

The shape is also simple, but you can create it with various attractive colors to make it more aesthetic.

Casement Window Model

Does your bedroom carry an elegant classic concept? This window model can complement the elegance of the room.

Casement windows are actually widely used in old-style houses, such as European, colonial, to art deco houses.

The shape of this window is quite simple, but has many variations and colors so that you can choose as desired.

The casement window can be opened wide, so that fresh air can enter every corner of the room to the maximum.

Minimalist Box Window Model

If you don't really like the window model that is too big, then this one inspiration can be an option.

The shape of the minimalist window box with a small size seems to still be able to make the room look aesthetically pleasing.

Thanks to its small size, this minimalist window is also suitable for those of you who want more privacy.

Not only that, you can also more freely adjust the number of windows according to the needs of the room.

Skylight Window Model

Have you ever seen the ventilation on the ceiling of the house? These are referred to as skylight windows.

If the bedroom is deemed less likely to be fitted with ordinary windows, then home skylights can be a solution.

You still get natural sunlight and fresh air through this one bedroom window model.

Roofs or skylight windows can actually change the appearance of the room to be more unique.

At night, you can enjoy the view of the star-studded sky more easily.

There are housings that have skylight windows in them, such as Clarity House and Myza BSD City.

Model Shutter Window

Shutter window is a window model that is equipped with "blind" curtains in it.

This type of ventilation is suitable for those of you who want maximum sleep quality.

Sunlight can not fully enter. In addition, this window can make the privacy of residents more awake.

To avoid a stuffy atmosphere, you can also add a roster on the walls of the room as additional ventilation.

Modern Window Model

There are also those who want the bedroom to be flooded with sunlight. 

So if you are one of them, then this one window model is the right choice.

Many modern home models use this type of window, where the glass material used is very dominant.

The size is also large so that it matches the area of ​​​​most walls.

Usually modern windows are deliberately installed facing open spaces, such as yards, gardens, or other areas around the house.

If you are interested in owning a house with windows like this, you can buy residential units at Dago Village and The Sanctuary Collection.

Model Bay Window

The term bay window may sound quite foreign, considering that this window model is rarely used in Indonesian homes.

But it never hurts to apply a bay window, especially in the bedroom area.

Besides being beautiful, this kind of window model also has a function as a seating or relaxing area.

The size is also quite large, so no additional lighting is needed during the day.

Because it is rarely applied to Indonesian homes, make sure the window size and model are correct.

If it is not appropriate, it will damage the appearance of the bedroom. 

Those are eight bedroom window models that you can use as a reference.

Hopefully this article is useful, yes.
