How to make a simple and beautiful wooden house, save costs

Daftar Isi
Talking about how to make a simple wooden house, the correct step is to consult the interior designer about the desired wooden house design. Most people think that this step will cost a lot of money, but is it really?

In fact, how to make a wooden house like this will actually save you money. How come? A professional interior designer will provide a budget expenditure in accordance with the agreed budget plan.

If that is the case, then there will be no unexpected costs, construction errors, and other costs that may arise in the middle of the wooden house construction process. Of course this method will save your budget, right?

Even though you use professional services to make a simple wooden house design, you also need to know a few things about this unique house. The following explains the process of how to make a simple wooden house.

Read also : Luxury Level House Design, from Traditional to Contemporary

The Process of How to Make a Simple Wooden House

The first thing to consider when you make a wooden house is the location selection. The location for building a wooden house must be free from elements that can damage it.

For example, a wooden house is not suitable to be built by the sea, because seawater contains substances that can damage the wood. 

The second is the selection of the type of wood. This is important in how to make a simple wooden house because it will affect the strength and sturdiness of the building. An example of good quality wood is teak. 

Choosing teak wood will make the building of the house stronger. In addition, wood with a soft and attractive texture to make the house look beautiful can also be chosen for the manufacture of house walls.

No less important is the process of preserving wooden houses. This, in addition to maintaining the robustness of building construction, is also useful for maintaining the strength of the wood so that it is not easily damaged and weathered.

The process of preserving wood must be carried out before installing wood in the process of building a house. This process can be done in various ways, one of which is by dyeing or painting the wood surface.

The construction of a wooden house can be done with simple steps but produces a building design that is sturdy, comfortable, has artistic value, and of course at an economical cost. Here are some steps on how to make a simple wooden house:

Determine the shape or structure of a wooden house in the form of drawings or sketches.

Calculates the structure of the wood as needed to determine the dimensions and quality of the wood. The quality of the wood in question is whether the wood is a safe and economical type of wood.

Draw a sketch or detailed drawing of a minimalist wooden house structure according to the results of previous calculations.

Calculating the Budget Plan (RAB).

Procurement of whole wooden house building materials and strive for preservation.

Processing the manufacture of a minimalist wooden house using the best work system according to the design drawings that have been made.

Maintain and care for a minimalist wooden house from things that can damage.

The Advantages of a Simple Wooden House, Must Know!

Wooden houses, which are identical to village houses, are less attractive these days. This can be seen from the number of modern minimalist homes in the property market. In fact, a simple wooden house has many advantages that ordinary houses do not have.

Here are some advantages of a simple wooden house:

Faster build time

How to make a simple wooden house takes relatively fast time when compared to building an ordinary house. There are several contracting companies that offer knock down wooden house construction.

Making a wooden house with a knock down or dismantling system means that the manufacture can be done at the factory. Furthermore, assembled at the construction site of the house in just a few days.

The wooden house looks natural
Undoubtedly, a wooden house will give a natural impression. This is due to the texture and wood grain, the lines still show the impression of trees so that they will look more united with nature.

Save cost

One of the most important, how to make this simple wooden house will only cost a little. At least, more cost-effective than making a concrete house. Moreover, if your area has abundant natural resources and trees.

The construction of a wooden house will save costs because the raw materials can be taken from the forest or trees around the construction site. In addition, a minimalist wooden house also saves costs because it saves land and wood materials.

Unloading system

One of the advantages of a simple wooden house that is not owned by a house with materials other than wood, is that a wooden house can be made with a knock down system so that it can be dismantled if the owner wants to change the address of the house location.

That's how to make a simple wooden house and some of its advantages. Now, are you interested in building your own wooden house?
